Sep 15, 2014 | By Tim Stoddart

The Coolest Musicians that Don’t Drink or Get High Anymore

Addiction & Recovery News

We have seen over and over again how addiction does not discriminate. Being a celebrity or a rock star does not give you a free pass. Many world famous musicians have been able to find recovery, and when speaking to them, they all talk about how much better life is without the drink or drug. Here’s our list of the coolest sober rock stars!

Elton John

elton john
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Is anyone cooler than this suave singer/songwriter? The man who brought us “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” and “Tiny Dancer” used to party harder than most of us can ever imagine. His DOC (drug of choice) was cocaine and this man probably blew more cocaine than, well you get it. With years sober under his belt his is continuing to be a driving force in the sober movement.

Eric Clapton

eric clapton
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Who would’ve ever thought that the man who made the classic rock hit “Cocaine” famous would’ve had a problem with drugs?  He says his big down fall wasn’t found in cocaine but with heroin and alcohol. This rock legend has been sober since 1987 and has even opened up some halfway houses.

Ringo Star

ringo star
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The legendary drummer from The Beatles got sober in the 1980’s. After riding the Yellow Submarine through rivers of alcohol the musician called it quits after not being able to recall too much from the 1970’s.

Calvin Harris

calvin harris
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Believe it or not this soon to be legendary EDM god doesn’t get crazy like his crowds. Since 2009 the Scottish DJ and Producer has been away from the bottle.

David Bowie

david bowie
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A big fan of funky hair, make-up, alcohol and drugs.  This immortal man was a bit of a late bloomer who put it all down in his 50’s.

Anthony Kiedis

anthony koedis
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I’m sure many of us have read his brutal autobiography about his years living with heroin addiction. The Red Hot Chili Peppers front man was in and out of treatment centers throughout his 10+ years of heroin addiction. He is now clean and sober and still a rock god.

James Hetfield

james hetfield
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Can any rock list be complete without the almighty front man of Metallica? After suffering with both addiction and heavy alcoholism, Hetfield got sober in 2001 and has been clean ever since.

Tom Waits

tom waits
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This howling, growling badass got sober with the help of his wife, it’s been over 20 years since he’s altered his mind or body with drugs or alcohol. I don’t know if you’ve seen “Wrist Cutters a Love Story” or “Seven Psychopaths” but his acting career is almost as cool as his musical career.

Ozzy Osborne

ozzy ozbourne

You have to be pretty drunk or high to think biting the head off a bat is a normal or acceptable thing to do. With over 40 years of non-stop heavy use, the front man of Black Sabbath is now clean and somehow still alive.

Trent Reznor

trent reznor
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A career spanning almost three decades has been littered with publicized heroin addiction. The creative force behind NIN has been clean for some time now and has helped give us some of the best soundtracks in modern cinema.


Check out our article on awesome women who don’t drink or get high

74 responses to “The Coolest Musicians that Don’t Drink or Get High Anymore

  • LOL no wonder, they are all shitty has-beens who are unable to reinvent themselves anymore because theyve eliminated an essential part of what made them popular.

    • I’d completely disagree with your statement. Heard greatest work after they got sober. I think what makes someone a great artist probably makes them a drug addict or alcoholic. Being In recovery myself with 30 years clean, know I would be jailed, institutionalized or dead a long time ago. Currently an active performer, I feel much more focused. I used to think I had to be high to play, I was missing one of the best natural highs. I’ve run into so many great actors, musicians, and just people who do whatever they do and it generally comes out ten times better sober.

      • Thnx for sharing 😉
        I had all those big dreams when I was using, they turned out to be big illusions.
        Being in recovery for 5 years made the most of my dreams come true! I’m the leadsinger in a band now, one of my greatest gifts of recovery! Now I can call it performing instead of making a fool out of myself.
        Again thanks for sharing, just for today it helps me grow <3

        • Me to I also thought I needed to be at least drunk to play on stage. But it wouldn’t b just a glass or 2 it was 2 or 4 pichers. An more then once my fellow band mates turned down my amp an I had no idea just up there dancing around like a fool.

    • could not disagree more. david bowie? tom waits? are you kidding? they are making incredible art.

    • I bet you have no idea what its like to be addicted to drugs, or alcohol or you would have never made the comment you did. You think drugs and alcohol make you better thats why they couldnt reinvent themselves you say. You self righteous prick. That shit is what took them down the tubes its not what made them great its what ended their careers you condesending asshole.. Really addiction to any type of drug, or alochol is a disease, and I am sure someone in your family, or circle of friends suffers from it. I have been clean and sober going on ten years, and no its not easy to get your life back on track, or reinvent yourself so you say. Recovery is a process of rebuilding, and getting around sober people who are like you, and comortable in talking about it. Before you judge someone else. Dig the skeletons out of your own backyard instead of digging in someone elses. Judge not lest ye be judged,

      • Hey SecurityChris, I guarantee you he knows nothing about addiction. I’ve been in and out of the rooms and my husband tries to deal with it but doesn’t know what an addiction is. So he says. But sure, I get it. How can you know how someone feels who has just lost a loved one or who’s loved one is dying in a hospital bed from cancer? I struggle with addiction everyday…cigarettes, alcohol, which has started to fuck with me again, to chocolates, etc. Let who will and have judged talk. They sometimes like to hear themselves talk. Or maybe they themselves have an addiction and are in denial. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

        I think these musicians are great though I’m not a fan of all their music. I’m a fan because they inspire me to get my shit together. God help me.

    • Sobriety is so hot! They remain incredible musicians (the ones still alive), the only difference now is they enjoy life and remember their accomplishments!

    • What are you, 15? Is your fave “musician” Justin Beeber? I know I probably spelled his name wrong and don’t care. Most of these INCREDIBLY talented artist have produced great works post sobriety! You would know that if you had any true appreciation for music as an art instead of being so closed minded and stuck on whatever plays on the radio. There’s so much amazing music out there! Who cares what age the artist is or what genre belongs in? Broaden your horizens and live a little.

    • Christa Foster

      9 years ago

      Benjamin Burnley – Breaking Benjamin

      Totally clean and sober, still rocking it the fuck out on tour every day!

    • Wow… Aren’t you a genius…?

      Please don’t tell me you were under the influence when you wrote that??
      Bottom line is, had they not put down substances, some of them wouldn’t be here today.

  • Matt… your ignorance astounds me…. perhaps they are the only survivors?!?

  • Matt, hardly has beens ! Get with the times my man ! Abusing Drugs and Alcohol is neither cool or relevant anymore. It’s for supposed Artists who think their art form and creativity comes from self destruction and being half comatose ! Being a destructive dope head is hardly cool ! Duh !

      • VERY well said, Tom. The only person who thinks you’re sharper when you’re using alcohol and/or drugs…is YOU! Everyone else thinks you’re a pathetic loser. Is there anything more pathetic?

  • Matt probably still smokes reggie in his moms basment. No worries.

  • Matt, perhaps you can add something creative to stick in our minds for a lifetime….yeah, I doubt it. Tre doucheness!

  • How limiting is that frame of mind? To believe that some of the world’s greatest artists cant perform without chemicals? What a wonderful life you must lead…Almost every single one of the best actors and musicians have struggled with addiction/alcoholism, the ones that are able to find recovery can be way more successful than those who don’t and die trying.

  • I’m a drug abuser myself but I don’t ever glorify, exalt, or make drugs sound “cool”. I enjoy the release I get from it and the creativity… as for these amazing musicians that were named, I’m proud to say I’m very happy for them to be sober and happy with their choices. … I mean look at what happened to cobain, Morrison, joplin, hendrix, john ( the original guitarist from red hot)… I think it’s arrogant to say they were has beens and got their creativity from the drugs. You’re not them. Fuck you matt… I’m sure you’re a total douche too…. have a nice sheltered life… tool…. speaking of, (Maynard of tool). Although he’s not sober from alcohol but he quit H… later guys..

    • Just to clarify, John from the RHCP wasn’t the original guitarist who died. That was Hilel Slovak. John, although a beloved guitarist and drug addict, eventually got cleaner but he’s still kicking around today. Good points you made though.

  • Ozzys surname is Osbourne. Also you could have included Slash & Duff (ex GnR), Steve Tyler, Dave Mustaine, Nikki Sixx & Malcolm Young just to name a few more real rockers 😉

    • Izzy damaged

      9 years ago

      Steve jones(sex pistols) the late Brian stylz( the New Romantics) died sober,

      • Karma Catches Up

        8 years ago

        “Stylz” is the dumbest stage name and COMPLETELY took no effort or creativity. Speaking of which The New Romantics album is garbage all the songs pretty much blur together there’s a reason they never took off. I only know they exist because certain member of the group destroyed my friend for loving him.

        Nice try self promoting but Brian Stylz and Izzy Damaged are the same guy and very alive.

        Eat shit narcissist prick.

    • Let’s not forget Stevie Ray Vaughn either. .. i think that maybe Matt is suffering from denial. Using is only a symptom of the disease. Some of the most creative and intelligent people in history have been addicts. Sadly there is a longer list of people who didn’t survive. Celebrity or not. .. This disease does not discriminate. Matt… there is always a chair for you in the rooms when you get the gift of desperation. …

  • Clapton did not write ‘Cocaine.’ What lameass highschool kid wrote this?

    • Pamela Beatson

      8 years ago

      He doesn’t say Clapton wrote it. He says he made it famous.

  • How about Greg Allman? A classic example of a winner in the struggle

  • joel brown

    10 years ago

    Good to know someone else knows their kills me that everyone thinks Clapton wrote cocaine

  • I think it’s very profound that these highly successful, money is no object, individuals who’s disease was catered to by production companies, record labels, agents and fans alike, found life at the end of a very dark tunnel.
    As far as Clapton, it is true, however many bands use the music of writers, and “make” his out of those songs, so it’s irrelevant.
    Matt? See you soon (hopefully)

  • Candy morris

    10 years ago

    Addiction is so hard to overcome but once you finally make that decision that you want to become clean and sober it take a lot of work and it is so worth it. For me it was dealing with my core issues losing a Father to suicide at 10months old a brother to suicide 11yrs. Ago. Being raped and physically and mentally abused by a stepfather whom was very sick himself. Once you figure out your core issues and find a healthier way to deal with them its not so bad. I do not wish addiction on anyone but all in the same breath if I wouldn’t have had my addiction I wouldn’t be the strong sober woman that I am today♡♡♡

  • What naive individuals, like Matt, fail to recognize is that these people were already creative and devoted so much passion into thier artistic ingenuity before they ever were introduced to drugs/ alcohol. Thier skill didn’t evolve over night. As teens growing up, hiding out in ones bedroom experimenting without judgement and enjoying that freedom which fostered into thier success.

  • These pioneer artist are not just survivors of music history,but the survived death. Look at drug addiction deaths in the music industry. And personally in my own life I survived. A child of disco,80,s and early90?s I survived,but a lot of my friends won’t as lucky. Matt your ignorance is appalling.

  • The only shitty part about the list is they all were way better when they were drunk and on drugs.

  • Darien and Matt your really stupid. Drugs don’t create anything its the person. The people that think that are not creative so thats why there so naive. Give someone drugs who is not an artist or musician, are they going to paint a picture like Picasso or write a song like Hendrix? No there not! It takes years of hard work and practice along with talent you are born with to become a great artist. Yeah some great artists have done drugs but it is not what made them great end of story

  • The reality is that these individuals were creative despite their substance abuse and not because of it. A good example of this would be Jackson Pollock. This groundbreaking artist managed to do almost all his famous pieces during a two year period of sobriety. His creativity disappeared as soon as he returned to alcoholism.

  • Great artists despite drugs and alcohol certainly not because of it !

  • Rob ~Recovering28yrs

    9 years ago

    pete townshend/joe walsh/james taylor/andy fairweather low/Gary Brooker the list goes on

  • “After suffering with both addiction and heavy alcoholism…”

    It’s no wonder society still suffers and addicts don’t get the treatment they need; with commentary like this, I can’t help but be taken aback by how ignorant the public still is to this disease.
    Addiction is the only disease. There is no “alcoholism” – it’s all addiction. Alcohol is a drug and the drug of choice doesn’t matter

  • Your article lost credibility in the second paragraph, so I stopped reading there. Clapton didn’t write “Cocaine”. J.J. Cale did.

  • Chiv generale

    9 years ago

    Johann Sebastian Bach was a crack head before he even touched the piano, aged 1 and a half.

  • I just appreciate professional musicians that declare their recovery. Addiction has been so stigmatized for too long now we have a face to smash the illusions that have shamed addicts since we started squashing grapes kudos to those that break the stigma. God bless

  • Barry Wilson

    9 years ago

    Clapton did not write “Cocaine”…J.J. Cale did!FYI!

  • Kenneth L KIEFER

    9 years ago

    1976 started with pot to angle dust and lsd to crank to herion to today’s meth always smokeing pot.I used 36years today I have 456days CLEAN and at 52years old I feel better today than I have in my whole life.peace kenny

    • That’s Great, Kenneth!! Congratulations!!! I too have been around the drug block, including many years lost in a booze bottle! Except for a little daily cannabis, for PTSD, aches and pains, I have been drug free since 1986 and haven’t found it necessary to hit the bottle for over 3 years now. Life is really good without those drugs and/or booze in my system, and it is wonderful when cannabis is a part of it!!!

  • To add to list: Frank Zappa, Trey Anastasio, Alice Cooper, Gene Ween

  • Tammylynn

    9 years ago

    Macklemore? Slash, David Crosby? Cherie Curie? And, are we talking about only the ones that are still living….Johnny Cash? I could go on, but I think the point is great music often come from deep pain. At some point in their lives, they overcame their active addictions. We all benefit from witnessing their struggles from afar since we relate so much to that pain and if we are lucky enough to live as long, witness their recovery and see what comes of their creativity that flows from their healthy, reborn selves.

    • Johnny unfortunately did not stay clean. His declining health put him back on meds and he began to abuse again. He gave interviews about this and what inspired him for the video Hurt.

  • Best thing I ever did was putting the shit down 24 yrs ago….I am even grateful for the bad moments….at least I know the difference today…….

  • Just got sober a week ago. Anxiety is kicking my ass and feel so alone. Played music in clubs for 40 years. Reading these for encouragement. Have a wife and son of 15 years, nice house and riding my bike and kayaking. Tired of the dark side. Hope and pray this gets better. Thaks for all input. Tony

    • Pat Hirliman

      7 years ago

      Was a horrible heroin addict and then suboxen and on and off again clean… this time I’m another week off the subs I always make a lot of money but have a family now and I’m feeling the same things… you are not alone… idk if it gets easier but I hope it does I’ve had 4 months sober but that’s my longest I want years before I kill myself.

    • Peter Finger

      5 years ago

      Tony, I too had terrible anxiety and that is one of the reasons I drank. I saw a psychiatrist who put me on a med to even out my moods. I am almost 5 years sober now.

  • Kathy Lewis

    8 years ago

    All awesome musicians-y’all forgot Stevie Nix…How could u? I’m few months sober, been fighting this disease for YEARS…So glad all these people could dig themseelves out of the pits of hell. Ive been there.don’t want go back

  • MBP and Matt and anyone else one here that is just trying to take the piss out the people on here that just want to share and get better…they are just a couple of pair of twats. They are on here just wanting to wyned everyone up…. pair of dicks… message back. You have no right to be on here…disgusting pair of filth… bring it on… let’s see how this is gonna style out you and anyone who’s on here that doesn’t want to helpful or positive….bring it on knobheads!

  • Bobs_Vendetta

    6 years ago

    Is David Crosby still clean and sober? How about Grace Slick?

  • skipfires .

    6 years ago

    Ok… Numb Nutses… the writer DID NOT say Clapton wrote Cocaine. HERE however is this writer’s mistake. How can there be an article written on this subject Without mentioning Brian Head Welsh? His is a truly remarkable recovery story, PLUS he readily puts it out there with no reservations. “I came to believe that a power greater than myself…”

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