Jan 2, 2015 | By Tim Stoddart
3 Reasons Why Alcohol Is Actually The Most Dangerous Drug
AlcoholismMake no mistake… alcohol is deadly. Very deadly.
We have always made a point to make everyone aware that we do not have a problem with alcohol. Alcohol has existed for at least 10,000 years. We are by no means taking a position that alcohol should be abolished, or that if you drink alcohol you are doing something wrong. Everyone has the right to make their own choices.
We just want to make people aware of the truth…
1 – Alcohol Kills More Than All Drugs Combined
While the “War on Drugs” portrays the message that drugs like heroin and cocaine are the dangers, it fails to mention that alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths per year, while all other drugs combine to contribute to 20,000 deaths per year.
Alcohol is especially cruel because it kills people slowly. Most alcohol related deaths are due to liver problems that occur after years of alcohol use. In most cases, alcohol leads to three types of liver problems.
1 – Fatty Liver Disease is the build up of extra fat in liver cells. Almost all heavy drinkers have fatty liver disease. However if you quit drinking, the liver can heal itself and the fatty liver disease will go away.
2 – Alcohol Hepatitis causes the liver to swell and become damaged. Alcohol hepatitis can be mild to severe. Up to 35% of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis. If it is severe, it may occur suddenly and lead to serious complications including liver failure and death.
3 – Alcoholic Cirrhosis is the scaring of the liver which leads to poor liver function. It is the last stage of chronic liver disease.
When we look at the short term dangers of a drug, heroin and crack cocaine are the most acutely dangerous. However, when we combine social, financial and long term effects of alcohol compared to heroin and crack, alcohol is by far more negatively impacting.
A study done by Lancet shows peer reviewed data on these findings.
MCDA modelling showed that heroin, crack cocaine, and metamfetamine were the most harmful drugs to individuals (part scores 34, 37, and 32, respectively), whereas alcohol, heroin, and crack cocaine were the most harmful to others (46, 21, and 17, respectively). Overall, alcohol was the most harmful drug (overall harm score 72), with heroin (55) and crack cocaine (54) in second and third places.
2 – Drunk People Do Crazy Things
To say that drunk people do crazy things is a very broad statement and not backed by fact. Fact based reporting is important but for a second I would like everyone to look at their own experience.
How many times have you seen drunk groups of people (usually men) get in brawls? How many times have you heard of families being killed by drunk drivers? How many girls have been raped or beaten when their attacker had been drunk?
When considering all of the scenarios, alcohol does more damage than anything else.
Now for the facts.
The Damage Caused By Drunk Driving
CDC.gov reports that…
- In 2012, 10,322 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.
- Of the 1,168 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2012, 239 (20%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.
- Of the 239 child passengers ages 14 and younger who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2012, over half (124) were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol-impaired driver.
- In 2010, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That’s one percent of the 112 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.
- Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are often used in combination with alcohol.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Sexual Assault
Conservative estimates of sexual assault prevalence suggest that 25 percent of American women have experienced sexual assault, including rape. Approximately one-half of those cases involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both. Alcohol contributes to sexual assault through multiple pathways, often exacerbating existing risk factors. Beliefs about alcohol’s effects on sexual and aggressive behavior, stereotypes about drinking women, and alcohol’s effects on cognitive and motor skills contribute to alcohol-involved sexual assault.
One half of sexual assaults involve alcohol. Those are very alarming statistics. Yet alcohol is celebrated within our culture. There is infinitely more money spent on TV advertising than money spent on sexual assault awareness and education courses.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Violence
It is so easy for people to label addicts. We see young kids on the street and we call them junkies or losers. The criminalization of addiction presents its own unique set of problems, because many drug addicts are put in prison for victimless crimes. Many times drug addicts are locked away for non violent acts. Alcohol however, creates a hotbed for violence.
- Alcohol contributes to 2/3 in spousal abuse cases. (That’s a fancy way to say that lots of men get drunk and beat up their wives of kids)
- Published studies suggest that as many as 86% of homicide offenders, 37% of assault offenders, 60% of sexual offenders, up to 57% of men and 27% of women involved in marital violence, and 13% of child abusers were drinking at the time of the offense. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1997.
- Alcohol availability is closely related to violent assaults. Communities and neighborhoods that have more bars and liquor stores per capita experience more assaults.
3 – Alcohol Use is Celebrated
For the sake of misinterpretation, let it be said once more that Sober Nation is not anti drinking. We are by no means claiming that people who drink are bad people. We are simply pointing out the contradiction of criminalizing people who are addicted to drugs like heroin and even marijuana, while simultaneously celebrating alcohol use. That doesn’t make any sense.
Anheuser-Busch spends $1.2 Billion dollars a year on TV advertising alone. Pressure to drink while socializing is very real, and is felt by everyone. Alcohol is by far the most abused drug in America. The problems we have listed are just the tip of the iceberg as to the dangers of alcohol.

Beer companies spend a great deal of time and effort painting the picture that alcohol is necessary for a good time. Although difficult to quantify, know that this mindset keeps thousands of people from admitting they have a problem and getting the help they need. We know this because we talk to these people and their families, every day.
What’s The Point??
This is a difficult topic for us. It is not the responsibility of beer companies to fix these problems. They make a product and abide to business law and have the right to market and profit just like anyone else. The point is not to degrade alcohol companies or alcohol drinkers.
The point is to try and build some awareness. Alcohol isn’t like it is in the commercials. Most, if not all drinkers can easily recall experiences with vomiting, violence, blackouts, rape and homicide.
If we can somehow help people understand the truth behind alcohol, than maybe people would respect it more. Maybe people would know that two beers is better than 20, and that enjoying life is not dependent upon a bottle of vodka.
Smart girl
10 years ago
is this article fucking serious? Go write about something that will help kids today. Not harm them into thinkng something innocent is bad and that something bad is not that bad. What are you? Fucking morons?
johni Allen
10 years ago
You are the fucking moron,,, my sister killed herself because of alcohol, don’t tell me it’s innocent!
10 years ago
johni allen your sister killed herself because of alcohol cause she didn’t know what drinking in moderation meant she probably had more then she could handle which means she that she drank to the point where she where she became didn’t know what she was doing and thinking or she probably drank often. alcohol becomes a problem when the person drinks way too much of it and drinks it often cause alcohol has been proven to have plenty of health benefits plus can be used for tons of other things such as a natural house cleaner and disinfecting wounds. it’s the person who is dangerous not the alcohol itself cause if u don’t drink alcohol or drink it very rarely or in moderation it causes no actual harm to u if u are a healthy person but it becomes dangerous if the person themselves chooses to abuse alcohol by drinking way too much of it like it’s candy and drinks it often.
10 years ago
You need to study the disease of Alcoholism!
AngieI am an alcoholic, but I didn't even know what that meant for a very long time. It's not just a word to gloss over. It is a serious disease, just like cancer. Go do your studying before you write a book on the subject!
9 years ago
Agree!!!! I am an alcoholic, but I didn’t even know what that meant for a very long time. It’s not just a word to gloss over. It is a serious disease, just like cancer. Go do your studying before you write a book on the subject.
10 years ago
Your spelling, grammar, and general comprehension of the stats in the article are quite atrocious. Maybe you’re in denial of your own drinking problem?
9 years ago
I agree
AngieI am an alcoholic, but I didn't even know what that meant for a very long time. It's not just a word to gloss over. It is a serious disease, just like cancer. Go do your studying before you write a book on the subject!
9 years ago
I am also a Corp. order, and there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing someone who cannot spell, does not know when a period is necessary or when a comma is needed, or just simple punctuation. It is so annoying. How old are you?
Jen M
9 years ago
Why are you even on something called ‘sober nation’? Go away.
9 years ago
Thanks Doctor. You gotta stop talking when you know NOTHING. Talk to ANY doctor or professional addictions RN or anyone who is a dry alcoholic.
AngieI am an alcoholic, but I didn't even know what that meant for a very long time. It's not just a word to gloss over. It is a serious disease, just like cancer. Go do your studying before you write a book on the subject!
9 years ago
AngieI am an alcoholic, but I didn't even know what that meant for a very long time. It's not just a word to gloss over. It is a serious disease, just like cancer. Go do your studying before you write a book on the subject!
9 years ago
Right on.
john read
9 years ago
choice huh….
9 years ago
Alcohol is poison in our society. You cannot defend it. It is by far the worst drug in the world. FACT
Jenna lee
8 years ago
Unfortunately a lot of people are uneducated & ignorant when it comes the disease of alcoholism & when it comes to this deadly class 4 narcotic called alcohol. The only reason it’s still leagal is because of the sin tax that the government collects on…which is sickening. Sorry about your sister ….have faith she’s in a better place.
10 years ago
Alan58 asks ….. Why did you read it ….???
Tommy Peru
9 years ago
Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. In fact, alcohol withdrawal is right up there with heroin withdrawal. I’ve met cocaine/heroin addicts who have been using for 30+ years and they’re still functional.
The alcoholics I’ve met always had it worse than any heroin/coke/weed addict.
9 years ago
Alcohol is far and away the worst & most dangerous drug in the world, legal or illegal.
Jen M
9 years ago
Go look at the web address of the page you are on… Why are you even on something called ‘sober nation’? Go away.
Jane Berglund-Hess
9 years ago
I have personally witnessed too many lives destroyed by alcohol… It’s usually the family, friends, and particularly children of an alcoholic who suffer the most. Anyone affected by alcohol will tell you that IT IS “fucking serious” so consider yourself extremely fortunate that you have not had the experience of dealing with one…
8 years ago
Iv been sober going on 8 yrs an iv never felt better in my health an wallet…but it’s still a very very nasty drug that’s legal to drink an drive an go crazy fighting killings an raps..the government knows that but money talks…but in reality it’s your choice to mess up your life with alcohol..in time it just gets worse cause some people get addicted to it very quickly…it kills 80,000 people every month an smoking kills 60,000 people a month aswell..so keep drinking for the people in denial that’s the only reason there getting upset when you put down alcohol is either your an alcoholic yourself or your a drinker..lol peace
Gratitude attitude
9 years ago
Smartgirl? You are an oxymoron.
9 years ago
I’m sorry this really upset me ,, I even see typos I was shaking in frustration I apologize to the rest of you amazing people that was for ironically ” smart girl ” lol I can’t even say more .. Wow is all I got left poor girl
8 years ago
My oldest Brother never did a ‘ drug ‘ in his life. He graduated High school with honors at the age of 17, 2 year degree by 19, won a state contest for his speech writing ability at the age of 15, appeared on TV, worked at the 21 club in New York, and was in management at the Hilton Hotel in Puerto Rico in his early 20s. He was friends with Mervyn Griffin, Betty White, and a number of other you famous celebrities. He owned a restaurant in Vancouver, British. Columbia. He was self taught and fluent in Spanish. He always seemed to have a promising future. Alcohol always got in the way. John passed in his middle sixties after rears of confinement in his apartment overlooking the East River in Manhattan. Alcohol may be just fine for most. But there is a percentage of people whose lives are destroyed by it every day
8 years ago
Surly you can’t be serious?
Alcohol is poison!! People are socially conditioned from a young age to believe that drugs are bad but alcohol is as what you’ve just used termed as ‘innocent’
Start doing research about the effects on alcohol compared to drugs such as weed and psychedelic drugs (acid, mushrooms etc.)
If anything i think alcohol should be made illegal.
Also ….. still don’t understand how weed is still illegal in most countries and yet alcohol isn’t lmao
Moral of the story DO YOUR RESEARCH and actually READ into alcohol 🙂
Cat Zukauskas
10 years ago
Thanks for that, it is well known in recovery, that alcohol does more harm then drugs, yet drugs are illegal
10 years ago
actually alcohol has proven to have health benefits if u drink it in moderation plus it also has other benefits such as being a natural cleaning product and disinfects wounds. it’s the person not the alcohol that makes it a bad thing.
Jessica fickisen
10 years ago
The fact is that some people are alcoholics and some are not. I feel that this is just explaining that if you can not handle a drink or two, or normal drinking.. If you are an alcoholic you should be aware of the risks. This reading is not directed at the casual drinker.. Although its obvious they too can learn something from it if they only open their mind. Some people are addicts some are not. This is just stating the facts of alcoholism.
9 years ago
Truth be known….I drank all my life with ZERO problems and Zero DUI’s and then one day it took over…..If you are not an alcoholic you will always be ignorant and idealogically unable to understanding…
9 years ago
your reaction makes it sounds like this is a touchy subject for you…
drugs are bad mmmmmmkay, it’s just saying alcohol is too. Our gov’s make $ $ $ from alcohol, the main reason it’s “Legal.
9 years ago
The culture of drinking in society is hypocritical. It is more dangerous and harmful than ALL illicit drugs combined.
10 years ago
” Go write about something that will help kids today”
I think its you who is definetly the fucking moron.
10 years ago
Well said
9 years ago
Stop drinking you fucking moron. Idiot
10 years ago
This article is the truth. 19 yrs of soberity best choice. Most of my friends are desd or disabled in some form if alcohol abuse. And drugs. Trust me. 12 step saved my life. Fir the guy who says sober nation are morans. He does not get it. Look at my fellow baltimorean micheal phelps. Gold medal swimming champ. Ut does not discriminate.
10 years ago
your friends are dead or disabled cause they abused alcohol which means which means if they didn’t abuse alcohol then they wouldn’t be disabled and still alive. it’s people who are at fault not alcohol cause the person does not no when to stop cause they don’t want to listen to their body and cause they drink way too often. a drink or two here and their is not bad for u it can actually be good for u especially if it’s wine unless u have a health issue that makes it so that u can’t drink alcohol at all.
9 years ago
This is a very uneducated thing to say. Yes come drinks that have alcohol in them can be good for you, but with too much consumed it can be deadly It is not that people “don’t know when to stop”, it is an addiction and they just can’t stop. And as this article is trying to say, it is highly addictive. Learn the facts before you make such an ignorant comment.
Jen M
9 years ago
Methinks the lady doth protest too much
10 years ago
It hurt me when people are so illiterate and ass backwards. That tgey cannot comprehend . Go back to school and start englidh lit class. Please sober bation is informative. It does save kids life. Worked in mental healh I watch kids die from overdose. Street drugs. Alcohol young as 12 yrs old. So before anyone. Go spewing nonsense about. How good drugs are. Learn .read don’t sell your soul. Because if you keep using . Drinking. You will. On that note..peace.
10 years ago
You sound to me like your a real bitter person with a small vocabulary . Alcoholism is serious disease and the suffering alcoholic need serious help. I know as I am a recovering alcoholic and did most everything talked about in the article of the than to kill someone altho that was close . Quit glamorizing the use of alcohol and showing what a wonderful time can be had while drinking, show it like it really is. Take a good look at it and tell me how much fun your really having, I’ll pray for you.
10 years ago
alcohol is not a disease. u ended up an alcoholic cause u couldn’t control yourself nor did u ever listen to your body and what it tried to tell u when u drank too much of it. their is a little thing called drinking in moderation meaning a glass or two of alcohol here and their especially wine does not harm u. the real problem isn’t alcohol itself it’s people like u who abuse alcohol that is the problem.
10 years ago
You believe alcoholism is not a disease because you are not impacted by alcohol. Try living with someone that is an alcoholic or be one yourself and you will understand it is a disease. My father, brother, husband and brother-in-law are all alcoholics. Different types of alcoholism but alcoholics none the less. They did wakeup one day have to much to drink and bam became Alcoholics that couldn’t control the amount of alcohol they drank. It is a progressive disease that takes over your mind and body. The alcoholic can’t function without the alcohol in their body. It damages the mind, the body and those around them. Since you can’t understand the disease why don’t you learn first then speak? Let the recovering or still suffering alcoholics use this information to help them with their experience, strength and hope to overcome the daily need to consume alcohol. Or do you just enjoy picking a faceless fight where you don’t have to look the person you are attacking in the face and you can shout out your rhetoric? Remember none of our perfect and at some time will have to battle some disease whether it is physical, emotional or social wouldn’t be nice to have someone supporting you when that happens. Articles such as this play a huge role in the recovering alcoholics life.
9 years ago
Stfu it is proven that alcoholism is a disease you moron. Educate yourself before making that statement. It is a disease of the brain!
john read
9 years ago
alcoholism is a proven disease relating to some peoples bodies dont break down alcohol the same as others its there biological make up, not because they dont listen to there body, a persons body turns alcohol to aceteldahyde then into urine who hasnt got alcoholism, a person with alcoholism which isnt there choice or fault, there body breaks it down to acetaldihyde then some comes out in urine, but the difference is a small percentage converts differentl from acetaldihyde before urime into a chemical called terohydroisoquinniline…t.h.i.q, this stores in the brain and is 6 times more addictive than pure opiate…heroine it has been proven…so an alcoholic doesnt choose to become alcoholic its a biological difference in there bodys chemistry theyvare born with, people who dont know the truthh aboit alcoholism are simply lacking knowledge or pig ignorant or judgmental fucktards, heroine and crack generally doesnt cause physical damage or deaths as much as alcohol does and the media and bad publicity drugs have are largely falsified…..alcohol and diazepam are the only drugs which can kill you from withdrawels too, i could go on forever but youll always get some jumped up small minded little idiot that doesnt know reality of the fact that although drugs are illigal alcohol is the worst drug in existance next to nicoteen and there legal as it makes money and is pertrayed to be ok……
8 years ago
Lady your a form of alcoholic specially if you drink nightly or by yourself. You clearly are in denial. I really hope at some point you open your close mind and realize addictions and mental disorders are real.
10 years ago
Thank you So Much for writing this article!!! I have been wanting to write this same type of point form article showing the massive effect that alcohol abuse has and to highlight the unnecessary nature of it. In my area it’s almost taboo to criticize alcohol and yet it’s impact is devestating. I hope this is a wake up call to many people and never mind about those that are so attached to drinking that they are lashing out at this excellent article. Thank you again!!!
10 years ago
that is alcohol abuse that does damage and that isn’t the alcohols fault it’s the person fault for not knowing when to stop or how much they can drink before they become way to impaired to think straight and can’t remember a thing the next day. ask people who drink in moderation if alcohol is bad for u and they will say no and they will say that it gives health benefits which it actually does. also everything including water can be fad for u if u have way to much of it. also this article isn’t is saying facts that are just linked to alcohol abuse and saying that the alcohol abuse facts also apply to people who drink in moderation. people are the problem not alcohol itself know how much u can drink and don’t drink it often.
10 years ago
I hate to discredit ur philosophy, the actual truth is that an alcoholic is the last person time know that they have a problem. Unfortunately they normally find the hard way like DUI wrecking their car (which will get u the first one also), killing someone or killing themselves. A true alcohol cannot control their drinking, their mind functions are changed with the first drink. They cannot control the amount consumed because the brain wants more and more. The first drink an alcoholic takes is the one that gets them drunk. Believe me my experience has held me captive for years. I was luck I only lost two houses, 3 cars 2 wives and 2 kids because of drinking. Monitarily about $500,000 worth and I didn’t know I had a problem. I went through treatment and still didn’t think I had a problem. Unfortunately I went back out and proved to myself that I definitely was an alcoholic. People can say all they want about controlling their intake, it does not work for an alcoholic. We are screwed up people and need continuous support to stay sober. I have been sober for over 25 years and I still take part in meetings and sponsorship and service work a minimum of two to 4 days a week. Outside people can never understand why an alcoholic is an alcoholic. Chucked can sometimes help but they rarely succeed. That’s also one of primary reasons that many churches are very willing for meetings to be held in their church because the have learned that AA works and they can direct problem parishioners to those meetings. You might want to reconsider what your viewpoint is on the subject.
10 years ago
ralph u may be right about a few points but if people used self control, drank responsibly and in moderation from the very first day they started drinking alcohol then they would have never became an alcoholic in first place cause drinking in moderation and responsibly does not make one become an alcoholic nor does it make them drunk right of the bat also u would still know what u are doing and still can remember things the next day. people are the ones who turn themselves into an alcoholics cause they don’t think and plan before they drink,they let their self control go right out the window and allow other people to convince them to keep on drinking until they pass out.
10 years ago
also this article isn’t just talking about how dangerous drinking is for u if u binge drink it’s talking about how alcohol is dangerous no matter what which isn’t true it’s only true int the sense that it’s dangerous if u binge drink cause binge drinking is what makes u become an alcoholic in the first place while drinking in moderation does not and will not turn u into an alcoholic it will actually improve your health and life.
10 years ago
also this article is also saying it’s more dangerous then drugs but in reality drugs get u hooked after your very first use alcohol does not get u hooked after your very first use.
Jessica fickisen
10 years ago
Sounds like you may be an alcoholic in denial yourself. Lmao. Or simply not an addict and cant understand. Go to an al anon meeting and open your mind. Do you think its not heroin and it is the people who use it? Do you really believe there is no such thing as addiction
. and that the millions who suffer from it everyday all are just fucked up people who cant control themselves?
Jessica fickisen
10 years ago
Sounds like you may be an alcoholic in denial yourself. Lmao. Or simply not an addict and cant understand. Go to an al anon meeting and open your mind. Do you think its not heroin and it is the people who use it? Do you really believe there is no such thing as addiction
. and that the millions who suffer from it everyday all are just screwed up people who cant control themselves?
Also, my mother is not an alcoholic yet has drank a couple nights a week, a couple beers each time and gone weeks or months in between without drinking at all.. and now has fatty liver.. & Thats not even from abusing it.
The site is called sobernation.. If you are so against sobriety you probably should check out a different site.. This one isnt for you.
9 years ago
Yeah, really, that idiot velovan should go find a website that doesn’t have the word “sober in it, lol.
9 years ago
Velovan you are an idiot, an ignorant idiot!