Oct 16, 2012 | By Tim Stoddart
Quitting Meth For Good – How To Quit And What To Expect
Methamphetamine AddictionIf you or a loved one is struggling with methamphetamine addiction, you know that it is a physical and psychological trip through hell that seemingly has no end. Quitting meth for good is your only option.
Meth is a powerful stimulant that robs your ability to experience pleasure, you lose memory functioning and those who are addicted to meth undergo severe and often shocking physical transformations that make them look like the living dead. You or a loved one desperately wants to stop the cycle of abuse and quit meth for good, but it’s pull may seem too strong and you may feel alone, defeated and even trapped by your addiction. Quitting meth is no easy task, but with help recovery is more than possible.
You may hear the deck is stacked against you. You may read graphic statistics and read that only a tiny percentage of users are able to quit meth. While quitting methamphetamine is a difficult journey, you need to cast the doubt aside because YOU CAN QUIT. Your life is waiting for you… and with some knowledge, direction and support you will be well on your way to break the chains of meth addiction and find the happiness and serenity that recovery brings.
Methamphetamine is one of the most vicious and dangerous drugs on the market. It is a highly addictive and potent stimulant that affects the central nervous system of those who use the drug. Meth comes in a white crystalline powder that is odorless, tasteless, and easily dissolves in water or alcohol. Meth is a synthetic drug that is commonly manufactured in large, illegal laboratories but can also be made in smaller laboratories based in abandoned buildings and other dwellings. Within the last few years, a “shake and bake” method was developed by manufacturers in which the key ingredients used to make the drug can be created in an empty two-liter soda bottle.
Methamphetamine is comprised of a variety of chemicals that are extremely toxic and highly flammable. The main ingredient in meth is pseudoephedrine which is commonly used in cold medications. While the “recipes” can vary, other chemicals used in the production of the drug include red phosphorus, acetone, sulfuric acid, anhydrous ammonia, and toluene among others. Many of these ingredients can be purchased at convenience and drug stores.
Crystal methamphetamine is a form of the drug that looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white rocks. It is chemically similar to amphetamine (a drug used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] and narcolepsy). Meth users often go on binges where they don’t eat or sleep and continue to take methamphetamine to stay awake for days at a time.
Medical Detoxification: The Crucial First Step To Quitting Meth
The first and arguably most critical step in quitting methamphetamine is undergoing medical detoxification at a reputable treatment facility or hospital. While the withdrawal symptoms of meth may not be as severe as other substances such as heroin or alcohol, these symptoms are highly uncomfortable and have the potential to threaten your life dependent on previously existing medical conditions, the length of time you have used the drug and the presence of other drugs in your system.
Benefits of Quitting Meth
Quitting methamphetamine now can help you recovery from any mental and physical health conditions as well as any long-term consequences that you may or may have not already suffered from addiction. There are improvements that will happen immediately, however others will happen over time.
Some benefits can include:
- Reduced risk of arrest
- Improved teeth
- Improved skin
- Lowered risk of heart attack
- Improved financial situation
- Return to a healthy body weight
Methamphetamine Withdrawal
Meth withdrawal symptoms can be both physical, mental and behavioral, and they can be be very intense, lasting for days or even weeks. The factor to determine the length of the symptoms is the amount of time the person has been addicted. Meth withdrawal is very different from other types of drug withdrawal because many of the effects are psychological rather than physical. Meth withdrawal can cause severe depression, as chronic meth use alters the brain chemistry, specifically the neurotransmitters which control enjoyment. There are those who come off meth and cannot experience pleasure in life. This state is called “anhedonia”, and while it is not permanent, it is one of the major reasons why it is common for those who detox themselves to turn back to methamphetamine. This is why it is crucial to seek out medical supervision during a withdrawal.
The chances of relapse during a meth withdrawal can be higher than other substances. This is because you can’t stand the way you feel. Quitting meth “cold turkey,” without outside help can lead to relapse, or symptoms of severe mood disorders.
Withdrawal Timeline
The following are common withdrawal symptoms associated with meth:
- Chest pains
- Breathing difficulties
- Paranoia
- Mood swings
- Weight loss
- Slow movements and thoughts
- Inability to feel pleasure
- Bad dreams
- Reduced heart reate
- Increased risk of strokes, seizures and heart attacks
One may expect the detox process to last between one to two weeks, but it can last much longer depending of the severity of symptoms, how long you have been using, and the amount of crystal meth you abused. During this process, medical staff will employ a variety of methods to help minimize the symptoms associated with withdrawal and will evaluate you for any co-occurring disorders that can impact your recovery. It is absolutely critical that you are both mentally and physically stable before entering the next phase, which is drug treatment.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), crystal meth withdrawal symptoms can begin anywhere from a few hours to a few days after the most recent dose.
Duration of Withdrawal Timeline For Meth | |
Days 1 – 3 | Symptoms can begin after the 24-hour mark and remain at peak levels during the next seven to ten days. Users experience fatigue and sleep more often than normal. Feelings of depression will also set in. |
Days 4 – 10 | After day four, symptoms grow more complex. Strong cravings begin around this time. Users may experience mood swings and find it difficult to concentrate or remain motivated. In some severe cases, paranoia, hallucinations and extreme anxiety may occur. |
Days 11 – 30 | Users will typically start to experience insomnia during this time. Depression and cravings usually continue. |
Days 31+ | About a month after quitting, most users begin to feel better. Many of their withdrawal symptoms lift, though feelings of depression may remain. Cravings may come and go during this period as well. |
Questions To Ask Yourself
Do you feel like you can’t live with meth and can’t live without it? Is it causing damage to your life but you still desire it’s effects? If you are still on the fence about making the decision to quit, there are a few different questions you may want to ask yourself. It is not easy to answer these questions honestly. As addicts, we don’t want to deal with our emotions. Ask and answer these questions as honestly as you are able. Write your answers on a sheet of paper and write them somewhere you can look back
- Do I lie, steal or cheat in order to get my next high?
- How has meth impacted my life in negative ways?
- What will happen to me if I continue to use?
- What do I really want to do with my life?
- How is meth keeping me from that?
- What have I lost as a result of my methamphetamine addiction?
- Am I truly happy on meth?
- How would my life improved if I stopped using?
Can I Quit Cold Turkey?
While it is possible to quit meth cold turkey, it is not recommended. If you do it alone it is very likely that you will relapse and have to go through the whole process again. A person coming off meth may feel extremely and horribly depressed, and their brain will crave the drug to make them feel better again. A former may user may also sleep a lot (due to not sleeping for a certain duration of time, as well as depression.) Former meth user’s appetite may increase due to the lack of proper nutrients.
The main risks of stopping meth cold turkey can include:
- Extreme cravings
- The feeling of hopelessness
- Psychotic symptoms
- High relapse potential
- Suicidal ideation
Tips and Suggestions
If you do decide to enter a treatment facility to recover from your meth addiction, there are a few helpful tips beforehand that you can do to help make a smooth transition back into the real world:
- Delete your dealer’s number – This can be a temptation when you get out of treatment, so do yourself a favor and disconnect from dealers and friend’s who used methamphetamine.
- Change your phone number – By doing this, your dealer and old friends won’t be able to contact you when you transition to a new way of life.
- Get rid of your paraphernalia – That cotton you have hiding in your drawer? Those empty bags you never threw away. Get rid of it. Throw out anything that reminds you of using.
- Support is key – Finding friends that are on the same path as you make’s a world of difference in the recovery process. Make sure they are supportive and encouraging.
- Seek the appropriate dental care – Many users can develop “meth mouth” while addicted to meth which ruin teeth, so it is wise to seek out a proper dentist.
- Seek medical attention – If you are an intravenous user, seek out the proper medical attention for any related problems (abscesses, HIV, hepatitis, collapsed veins).
Can I Die From Meth Withdrawal?
It is extremely unlikely that a methamphetamine user will die from withdrawal. For some, the process can be dangerous, however this is mainly in pact because dehydration can occur. Dehydration and other potential complications during the detox process are unlikely to be fatal. Whether you are quitting meth cold turkey, or tapering your use, it is crucial that you undergo the process of withdrawal under professional supervision. With around the clock are, you are able to avoid any serious consequences of trying to do it alone.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any medications for the treatment of crystal meth withdrawal symptoms.
However, there are supportive medications that can be used alongside therapy to help ease the intensity of the detox process. Those symptoms can include anxiety, intense cravings, fatigue, and depression.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has made medication development for crystal meth addiction a priority, and NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network has made great strides to find medications that enhance the user’s ability to cope with meth withdrawal.
The Importance of Treatment
Drug treatment will allow you to overcome the underlying reasons why you are addicted to meth, and through counseling and therapy you will gain the life and coping skills needed to pursue recovery while guarding against the triggers that lead to relapse. Inpatient drug rehab centers that specialize in meth addiction allow you to recover in an environment away from the temptations of your home environment so you can focus solely on your recovery and allow you to focus on quitting meth.
Since each addict is different, you need to look for treatment facilities that provide a variety of therapeutic treatment options and will be able to provide you with an individualized treatment plan specifically created for your own recovery goals.
For information of different facilities, don’t hesitate to call the Sober Nation hotline. 866-317-7050.
Therapies such as cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) and contingency management-type therapies in individual and group settings are extremely beneficial to addicts quitting meth, since they help to identify problem behaviors and thinking and provide incentives for positive changes.
You also need to consider the length of time needed give you the best chance to recover. While many drug treatment facilities offer programming that lasts 30 days, you may consider finding a meth treatment program that lasts for 60 days, 90 days or longer. Many meth addicts will experience a recurrence of withdrawal symptoms (often referred to as the wall) about 45 days after quitting meth. Undergoing meth addiction treatment for a longer period of time will allow treatment staff to help you work through this wall.
Added Support
Long-term recovery from meth addiction will require you to find those resources that will provide you the support and encouragement you need to continue working your program of recovery. Once you finish meth rehab, your treatment facility should offer aftercare and intensive outpatient programs that focus on relapse prevention and the continued application of the skills needed to successfully function at work, home or school.
Many aftercare programs offered by rehab centers may also offer sober living environments such as halfway houses where you can receive the support of your peers who are in recovery. Additionally, continued participation in Twelve-Step groups such as Crystal Meth Anonymous or similar support groups will help you remain centered in the recovery community.
Do You Want To Quit Meth For Good?
When a person is in the grips of a methamphetamine addiction, getting the drug becomes far more important than keeping up with simple priorities like school or work. Meth users may suffer from poor judgement and engage in a risky lifestyle or hazardous sexual behavior. A period of heavy meth use is generally followed by a crash in which a person cannot control his or her sleepiness. There will be heavy drug cravings during this time period that can lead to another binge.
Meth addiction is frightening and trying to find the help that you need can be a frustrating process. When people try meth they usually don’t think they will become addicted. They often start using meth recreationally at social gatherings, however, before long they begin using it alone. As time passes they find they are unable to stop.
You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
Methamphetamine addiction has devastating impacts on the user as well as their family, friends and community. If you or a loved one is struggling with meth abuse, it is critical to find the resources, treatment, and support you need to overcome your addiction and reclaim your life.
There are many people who have achieved long term sobriety from meth and so can you. The experienced staff at Sober Nation are ready to talk you through what is happening in your body and explain the symptoms and sensations that you are experiencing. Medical personnel can also keep your loved ones informed of your status as you go through this process while treating you or your loved one with the compassion and respect they deserve. Some of the expert staff of Sober Nation are recovering addicts themselves and are an active part of the recovery community around you, so they understand the pain and frustration that you experience. Turn your goal of recovery into reality and call Sober Nation today.
ulises acosta
11 years ago
I been sober for 1 moth but I still wounder how long do I need to be ok
10 years ago
You will always have cravings. You have to want change to make it last. But the cravings do become easier to work through.
The hammer
9 years ago
I have made it 30 days. Just made it today. So far it’s been a roller coaster, but more good days than rough one’s. I don’t know myself all that well yet…but I am in the midst of my fourth step. A list of people places and things who I have adversely effected. I call several people who are sober every day, Right now my main mentor is free of meth for 17 years. The days have been encouraging, disappointing due to my attitude not being as stable as I’d like it to be. But I get to work, as many meetings as I need to so far, and finally have began to appreciate my sober friends are my real friends…. The goal is to stay glued to this recovery one moment at a time, a day at a time. I still have days which I feel extreme paranoia and anxt. But I get through them. Guess they get further and fewer as time passes. So far this has been my personal experience through these 30 days. I forget sometimes to use the tools to reset my attitude. Its my biggest liability so far, at least I’m aware of it. I want real growth as a person. To be good to my fellow humans,….but I don’t always come off that way…..get I need more practice, but not to forget rule # 62. I take things way to serious at times….other times I am light hearted and jovial with almost every one I work with. Life isn’t easy….relationships aren’t easy. But my worst day sober is better than any day I’ve lived through high and or drunk!!!! Tell me something I can believe, gimme the good news!!!!! God help us….all of us are working through something. We can get through it together right?
8 years ago
Nice post friend. I especially love the part about taking things way to seriously. I’m not sure I’ll ever get off this shit. It’s not everyday. But it keeps continuing. Need more help. Need to look. my Gmail is jasonhanna18@gmail.com…….love bro
8 years ago
I hope you are doing well or at least better Jason. when there is just way too many things about the shit that are bad and those outweigh the good you ever felt from it being sober should be a huge relief.
just remember you were fine without it before you ever tried it and you’ll be fine without it with the help and support of those not using
Emmalee Barnes
11 years ago
Been sober itll be 2 years as of 6.30.14
Daniel Bresland
9 years ago
Help me please! I’m losing hope in my partner, she doesn’t want to quit and I need help real bad, and so does she…
Everywhere I look, there is only help for those trying to quit, nothing for those trying to help loved ones quit….
Help me help her…
9 years ago
You can’t make her quit! She has to want to quit. But there are some things you can do to help her find the help she needs. For example, you can ask her if she wants to try to attend classes,if she says yes I have found that narcotics anonymous has helped my father in his journey to quit his addiction.
8 years ago
i hit my two year mark in feburary 2017. I have been having really bad problems with crying to god when i get in a bad mood. this happends like 2 or 3 times a day and i cry for about 30 minutes to an 1 hour…Everyday… Idk if my meds are off but i am really struggling with crying. dont worry i wont go back to meth its just i need advice.
11 years ago
Been sober for one month. I haven’t touched Meth or been
Around anyone who goes at it.
I’m wondering how long it will take for my mood swings to go away
and my cravings ?
10 years ago
I’m going on a year sober and I’m still dreaming meth and having mood swings.
you have to learn how to talk yourself through the moods and tell yourself, you’re in control and will not be defeated.
Good luck and keep strong and positive attitude.
9 years ago
Been clean 4 year’s I relapse Saturday only one line that day then Sunday I did another one line I been clean since Monday Tuesday Wednesday I feel like shit have color stool very yellow I’m not thinking going back I’m done looking forward I need answer help me please
8 years ago
Just because you tripped doesn’t mean you fell.
11 years ago
I sometimes feel “lost” like I’m not this sober person IAM now.
I guess I got so custom being the “superstar kid” while in meth
that now in like WTF who am I?
Ugh makes me wanna go get high so I can feel “normal”
again but I know meth is evil and I don’t want any part of it
11 years ago
I’ve been sober going on 2 months after 4 years of using as much as i wanted daily i have no problem with drug cravings but have extreme anxiety in public
10 years ago
That will pass. I quit for ten years after having an unlimited supply then I went back to it and started selling large quantities for the past few years. I quit again a month ago and don’t see myself falling backwards anytime soon. The dreams are always the hardest.
9 years ago
Is there anyway I can get in touch with you?
8 years ago
Did u meant nightmares or bad dreams ? That’s real hard for me as well
11 years ago
I am married to a meth addict; I abuse alcohol. He cannot get beyond the first week without meth, although we once went over a month without. Off of meth he is a nice, funny human who says he feels great and life is better. So why do we end up back to using? Because we do not realize it is a lifelong battle and we do not seek treatment. We think we can do it ourselves, we just have to figure out what it takes. Can couples get sober together?
Tim Stoddart
11 years ago
Anything is possible Elaine. You should call us we will hep you through it. 866-317-7050.
11 years ago
I just found out my 18 is using meth. I’m very sad and confused. I want to help her but don’t know how. Please someone help me. Please email me mf010673@gmail.com. I want to just lock her in a room for days until she sobers up…then get counseling.
11 years ago
If I can give someone hope an change their life I’m going to share with you my story of recovery. I was 24 when my best friend brought meth to my door. My life went on a roller coaster ride that I couldn’t get off for 12 years I was a user not an abuser. Thinking I was a little better but it wasn’t I wish I would of never touched it. It destroyed my life and the rebuilding of my life has been a very trial episode. Five years ago was my deepest darkest hole of quitting im 5years clean and I will never look back and think that I could ever touch meth again my life has turned around tremendously to actually have hope and and Live my lifethink it’ll always get better each day don’t ever quit trying to get off even if you fall back and just know that it is possible and it is I did it by myself in a house by myself and that’s after 12 years so we’re stronger than we think with a supported family too helps. An what I learned from my usage is I have to love myself no matter what no one is going to love you unless you love you first take care
9 years ago
Is there anyway I can get in touch with you? 🙁
11 years ago
When I met my partner he was full of life, he had a good job and was over joyed to be dating me. I knew he smoked meth but in my circle of friends at the time that was no surprise. I started smoking it with him and things got so out of control. We both quit a year ago, have not touched it since. Meth was not a problem for me, I used it for 6months and it was easy to say goodbye to it. No cravings no nothing. However, my partner had been using for 8years. He wasn’t a junkie hanging out for it. But he did use every weekend, by the end it got really bad. He almost lost his mind. But a year later we have come light years from where we were, I want to marry this man. But, he still struggles with cravings and bad thoughts. I think he maybe depressed but he would never admit it or seek help. How do you deal with the cravings.or help them go away. There is no chance of relapsing but we just want this to be over with.
11 years ago
I’ve been clean for almost a year and it took me almost two months to get to where i could get out of bed. My depression and anxiety were through the roof but now that I’ve beaten that demon I’m better than ever. I hope that everyone struggling with this addiction finds three help they need. I did it on my own. Relapsed a couple times but only for a day or two each time and then when i realized the effect it had on me i felt stupid for even thinking about it. It’s extremely hard but Vertu possible and very worth it! God luck to all who need it!
11 years ago
The cravings don’t go away until you know you Ste done. If you still have cravings you will likely relapse but you can pull yourself back out! I never thought my cravings would go away and for some they don’t. It’d mostly just about having the will to better yourself for you, family, God, friends, any and everyone who if there to sorry you through this difficult time in your lives
11 years ago
I’ve been sober now for exactly five months now. I was a hard addict for a year and a half, I was using every day so happy to have stopped this it really took a toll on my life. I’ve done it all on my own no doctor or anything but some times I think my body maybe still maybe trying to get rid of the toxin. I seem to over heat a lot every day and I start sweating has anyone else felt this and will it ever go away?
Also to everyone else struggling with this drug you can quit if u really want to quit its hard but u can do it.
11 years ago
I been a user for about 12 years when i would come in from working out of state i would use on my time off. I was a functional addict. Until the love of my live started shooting i had never withness first hand what this drug could reduce a person to. She has been to rehab, prison and now rehab again. It was a real i opener for me and i am clean. So far i havent even thought about using because most of my days are spent worring about her recovery. I will stand by her as long as she continues to try. This drug will distroy your family life. Dont be fooled you are dead inside while on this drug no happy ending.
11 years ago
I have used meth for the past 7 years of my life.. I’m 26 now and the past two years i was in a really bad place and realized how bad a hold it had on my whole existence. I honestly still don’t know who i am without it. But i realized how much i don’t want it anymore. No one in my life knows that i have done it that long. They still don’t. And i ended up saving every penny i could to travel to London to get away from the sh*t town i live in and saw how happy i was able to be, sober, myself, not even thinking about it. And now i’m back home and in a town I can’t get out of. No support and doing it on your own is so hard. My room is in the garage, no windows. I have good days, and then days i just sleep. My life is passing me by but i just still can’t be consistent with keeping myself motivated to find my way in life here. I haven’t bought meth in months now, and was doing really well until now i’ve found every piece and scraped to get little hits just to escape pathetically. I had one night my friend came by to give me some adderall so i could at least have a little help in getting up to try to use my days, and we smoked and i truly decided that i absolutely don’t want any part of what i had done for so long. There’s no one in this town, or in my life, that i am ready to trust with my story because i know it wouldn’t be possible to have the support i would hope for, not even close. I hope to get through this, and i hope i find a way soon. I know i don’t want to do it anymore, but i wish i knew how to save the rest of my 20s to stop living in this darkness as everyday goes by. I wish i had the support some people are so blessed to have. I wish i could have been everything i had thought i could be, without the drug ending up the only thing i knew. Best of luck to all of you.
Jay penja
9 years ago
I was smoking meth on Monday after noon , couldn’t sleep till Wednesday moring at 2am I went to sleep , and woke up at 9 am and took a shower , and forced my self to eat and drink , and then wenesday after noon I was smoking again , till Thursday 12 noon went to lay down on the bed and w
Slept for like 2 hours!! But THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER USED METH…
My biggest mistake in my life.. And no I have the feeling to smoking or anything.. So I just want to know is there any effect to my face or anywhere else ? Please I’m like losing my mind here thinking and looking threw goggle trying to finger out !!
9 years ago
I’ve been on it for 8 years and never had any problems with scratching and soars maybe a pimple or 2 from a greasy all awake all night face but that’s it
11 years ago
I’ve been using method for over a year pretty hard core. I smoked it. I tried to quit 2 Weeks ago and slept for 4 days round the clock so went back using to function again. I’ve tried to stop again. On day 2 & the nightmares, fear and random noises I hear around the house jolt me upright and I start balling my eyes out. I’m terrified but will NOT go back using. Wish I had my very own angel to cuddle into at night. So freaky and scary.
11 years ago
Oh and also, when do the nightmares, sleep parallelisis and fear and terror stop? Thanks from Australia….
11 years ago
Freaky nightmares stopping thank God., now just having weird ass ones. Still sleeping round the clock. Been 6 days junk free. Soooooo tired still.
11 years ago
I’ve been sober almost 7 years off meth, but I did it on my own. After I quit, I suffered real bad anxiety and had panic attacks. I still have anxiety. I was a daily user unless I was sleeping for a few days. I miss the drug , but I can’t do it anymore cause it’s only fun if your 100% down. I wonder if the anxiety will just longer forever. Good luck people, being sober is hard and dull sometimes but so much more rewarding and you look better. 🙂
11 years ago
It’s hard bug you can do it…. You will sleep and feel so exhausted when you quit. Expect 7 days of sleeping and eating rubbish. Week two – 4 – you will crave sugar and feel depressed. It gets easier every day. Don’t think about it and don’t associate with people who do it around you. Replace with healthy options like yoga. Do not exercise (gym) for first month as you’ll be fatigued…. Slowly introduce exercise…. When you have cravings and you will try looking at photos of people who use – that helps. Avoid alcohol in situations….
See professional psychologist – there is a reason why you started in first place, address those issues.
It’s a disgusting drug… Ruins lives and ruined me for a short brief time after 10 years away from it! I will never look back. How can anyone enjoy staying up and being obsessed by it. Don’t look back just move forward and focus on you! Good luck
11 years ago
Dawn/Kelly with anxiety it can be helped. There are techniques, I’ve been taught by natural healers (see a good practitioner) . Learn NOT to fight it…moment of anxiety let yourself notice it and feel it…. Once you recognise it and feel it by addressing it, it goes away. If you can’t sleep trying writing down thoughts.
Breathing is important and yoga is great 🙂
11 years ago
Wow, loved reading all these great stories, i was actually googling “ways to quit meth” and came across this website. My story goes like this. I’ve been using for the past 3 yrs , my fiance 22 yrs . We both seem to use to numb whatever it is to numb in our lives, (pain, sorrow, stress anger) etc… at least for me it is and i also drink a fifth vodka daily. Since day one for me I’ve always thought, “no worries”, i can stop whenever i need and want to stop, well two trips to jail in the past year with this last time serving 2 months, losing my kids, losing my looks each and every day, losing my health, but definitely not losing my faith in God. This is why i know that we can overcome this demon of a drug and with the success stories that i have read, i am one step closer to having my success story on here as well to read. And hopefully someone like myself will Google ,ways to quit meth” and share their success story as well. Pay it forward. ♥♥♥ God bless and good to everyone★★★
11 years ago
Good luck to everyone★★★
11 years ago
My husband & I both used everyday for 5 years. We are both over 3 years sober now. We have been to hell & back together so, I will say YES, a couple can quit together! The biggest fear (for us) of quitting was the withdrawl & knowing that we would both be in bed, around the clock, for a week but, we dealt with it. I would say I got my sense of normalcy back after being clean about 6 months. It takes time…..don’t give up!!! The anxiety, fatigue, & nightmares do stop! I lost so much during that 5 years that now I look back & think WTH were we thinking to do that evil drug for so long? We have absolutely no desire to go back to that lifestyle but, you have to cut ties with all that do it or are associated with it. If you don’t, you will never quit & be able to stay sober. I hope this helps all who are struggling with this drug.
11 years ago
Hey everyone! I’m 25yo and went from being an all-american guy to using method all day every day for 2yrs straight. You’d be amazed to see how quick and how far down meth took me in a short period of time. Went from having everything going for me to absolute hell. I tried to quit on my own but only lasted a couple weeks. Obsession was too much for me so I went to a rehab in los Angeles. Did a 30 day program there. At the facility I heard a recovered drug addict speak at one of the groups I was in and I could totally relate to him. Method was great for a while! It gave me that sense of ease and comfort of escaping reality. Every time I took a hit I would just keep going and keep going. My life became unmanageable. I had to have meth to function. Meth was my solution for so long. I used it to get through my days, but it stopped working and was destroying me. I needed a different solution. A solution without the negative side effects. I found that solution in a 12 step program. Any addict or alcoholic who is reading this PLEASE do yourself a life saving favor and join a 12 step program. Find a sponsor who will guide you through the 12 steps and your life will change before your very eyes! We have a chronic disease that is incurable but 100% treatable. I have a yr clean next week July 22nd and I completely owe it to the 12 steps and the grace of God! God does not make too hard terms with those who earnestly seek Him. God Bless!
11 years ago
This message is meant for all the families of addicts. My daughter started using Christmas of 2012 and everything went south very fast. In January 2013 she was arrest for possession, we fought to protect her but she continued down this journey….ended up homeless for three months, went through 2 inpatient rehabs and 2 outpatient rehabs, finally 3 months in jail was life altering…however she did not have the wherewithal until about a long year of sobriety During all of this it felt like my family was living hell. We finally were able to find the best addiction management psychiatrist and my daughter was diagnosed with bi polar and now is on a mood stabler…she also keeps busy in college. We are supportive and grateful for everyday…our family is now stronger then ever. Meth destroys everything and I mean everything….you lie, cheat, steal, loss trust, bankrupt and breaks apart families…this journey will literal break your heart and spirit and if you are lucky will eventual leave a mark verses a headstone to reflect on. Any addicts reading this post, I might not literally know what it feels like to come down from the high or deal with the major depression that sets in, caring for absolutely nothing but I can tell you it can be done I’ve seen it with my own eyes with my own daughter. It does get better, please try and surround yourself with a support system…you do have people that care, get away from your old friends…you will need to start a new life…exercise it helps with the dopamine and serotonin that has been depleted, find hobbies..hiking…school, find something that you give 110% and engulf yourself in this…you can do this I promise. Familes you are not alone, surround yourselves in support groups or just support within the family works too…and research everything from evident based treats to what goes on inside the head. The best advice I heard when I didn’t think I could make it…eveything will be okay…its simplistic but true….you don’t feel like it’s true especially when you are in the midst of the storm but it will. Good luck to all, my heart and prayers are with you.
9 years ago
Thank you for sharing your situation. I have been using everyday for 4 months straight and I have decided to quit today. The only family support I really have is my mom and she doesn’t understand addiction in any way, shape, or form. I have my 2 uncles, grandma, and grandpa on the other side of town however, one of my uncles has been supplying me with it. I don’t have the means to move out of town and I know that in a few days I’m going to be going through cravings and I don’t feel like I can cut my uncle out of my life. I don’t know what to do.
10 years ago
My husband has been a meth addict for 11 years. His parents got him addicted. Life has been a living hell. Nobody in my family really knows, so they think he’s an asshole and I should leave him. He could get it for free whenever he wanted. Especially from his own parents. We moved away recently to leave behind the people who lure him in and offer him meth on a daily basis. He’s withdrawing, which I’ve been thru.. He’s been sober for 30 days at the most in 11 years.. But that was in 2006 and it’s constant usage since then. He’s completely miserable and nasty while coming off. He says he hates life, he hates me, he’s mean and stays away from the kids.. I guess that’s for the better though. Do long term meth users act this way while withdrawing? What should I do? He doesn’t get out of bed either. When will he get better? I just want him free from this hellish life he’s lived for 11 years. If I leave him, he will die because nobody in his family cares and they all know. This is all for the sake of himself and the kids. He wants to be free, he’s told me.. But when he’s coming off he’s so different that while he’s using.
10 years ago
my name is alex i was a meth user for 5 years until i finally got sober by getting incarcerated for the 10th time I FINALLY took it serious and the feeling of facing a lot of time in prison really got my attention. I was a 16 years old and wanted to fit in with a certain crowd and then i happened that quick one of my friends was a meth dealer/gang member and i looked up to him so since i felt like i could trust these people i just went with it and thought it was great times until after a couple months or so i started to realize the nature of that beast called meth. then i started dealing it and my habits grew out of control that was when i started getting in trouble with the law and that grew out of control enormously it was like everytime I let my guard down i was getting arrested. also i had my first real relationship when I was 18 and the first time i ever fell in love that lasted for 5 months and my girlfriend was also an addict so she used with me in the end we went through a horrible break up that ended in the worst way possible way so being heart broke which i had never experienced such a terrible feeling in my life i fell even into an even deeper hole into the darkness and was using so badly just to ease the pain after 2 1/2 years of misery and drug addiction i was completely lost i had no true friends everyone around me was an addict all i had was a caring family that i couldnt face while my life was going down the drain then one night i had been arrested and was busted for possession i knew it was time to give it all up and thanks to that and two months of jail i realized that it was time to make a big change in my life so i get out of jail and i go back to the same shit hanging out with a meth user he passed the pipe to me and i was weak and smoked it then a month later the courts put me on a really strict program called intervention and made me wear a sleep monitor for eight months and costed me 20 dollars a week to either wear it or have my bond revoked or go back to jail so then i successfully made it out of that program sober and clean with a clear mind and then sentencing time came and ill admit i was scared for my life just realizing everything i was doing to myself reality hit hard and i was blessed the judge sentenced me to 18 months of probation so after that i really started making progress i was 22 years old and wanted to do the right thing for myself so i successfully completed 18 months of probation and 19 months sober and at 23 i started working with my dad and decided to become an electrician since my background check was so horrible it was a decent job that i still have to this day but its been a rough road i cope with busting my rear everyday because it is construction and i want a better life at all cost. then being too comfortable i relapsed like a fool after one night of getting drunk had alot to do with it and i just felt way out of line that but that relapse taught me that i still hated the drug and from then on wanted nothing more to do with it and now its been 3 months since that and im still trying to get my head straight i worry what kind of damage has it done to my mind i know i cant feel proper emotions except alot of anger at times and i wonder if ill ever be able to recover my senses 100% so i am going to stay sober forever and see what happens
10 years ago
I just tried quitting and I am just like your husband only I am the meanest ugliest bitchiest evil c___ I don’t remember being like this the last time I quit which was a long time ago and I had been using for like 6 years then and quit for like 5 now its been about 9 years I am old now so i am more depressed than last time and the only reason I am quitting is because I don’t want to end up an old hag it may be too late for that tho I did not succeed this time but i am going to try again and again and again whatever it takes it may b too late but i will not let this shit win.
10 years ago
Iv been using meth of and on for a year would do it for like a week and then get clean and then I did it for 6 months straight, detoxed myself at home. Was sober for 5 months relapsed and used for 2 months straight. I’m almost 6 months sober and I really feel like getting high. I have a lot of health problems and I’m extremely lonely I sometimes wonder what the point is to get sober. My life isn’t good ether way.
10 years ago
It’s awesome to come across this website. I’ve been scared to google “trying to quit meth”, but i’m glad i finally did it. the notes you all have left on here give me a lot of hope. i’ve been using, at points abusing, meth for probably a decade now. there were times when it was very very dark (daily or every other day use), but for the last few years it’s more like every 10 to 30 days. sometimes more frequent, but in very small quantities so that i don’t lose too much sleep. the fact that i’ve been able to hold down a job, and actually be quite successful, only ads to my fucked up notion that i can continue to use this drug. i can not. i don’t want to. i need help and i’m going to get it. starting with this site.
if any of you would be willing to chat with me online, please let me know. i’m looking for pointers and accountability. if you happen to live in the SF, perhaps you can recommend a support group and/or therapist.
thank you all for posting your stories of successful recovery…. it’s incredibly helpful for those of us starting that journey.
10 years ago
Ive been using crystal for 10yrs. And recently decided to get sober I’ve been sober 19days its my first time trying to.be clean so.im.going to take it one day at a time.
10 years ago
Johnny- I wonder how you are doing?
I am in the same boat as you were, I am scared of quitting, but I have too… I think it would be great to have someone to chat with about this, help each other through..
If your still out there, let me know… I have been doing math for 2 yrs, the last year has been almost everyday.. have a husband and three kids to get for.
10 years ago
It saddens me to read all of your comments….I hope that u all find peace And self worth. Meth like other drugs depletes all of that. Someone out there needs u to live. U were all put here for a reason. I dont go to church, and im not here to preach. But u all are better then that bitch called crystal. She wants to suck the life out of u all. Please get help. Prison and a casket is not the answer. Don’t ever lose hope. U are all better then that. I hope this message finds u.
Jeffery motyka
10 years ago
I used to inject meth heavely for 2 years. I did a rehab and quit. I have been clean for 7 months and 28 days today. The biggest thing I attribute my sucessfully to is NA a 12 step program without it i would relapse but there I found the support I will always continue to go to NA.
Echo S. Yankee
10 years ago
Hi there;
Im using myth since 2007 thru smoke… My routine of taking myth is two time every other day, usually afternoon and evening… At first, I just simply taking it when i got something to work and need some extra energy… But I can’t help it, i got worsen and worsen… Right now is 4:19 pm december 31, 2014, this is the day i promise to myself will be last time to see this cystal… So, yesterday i withraw some money my account which is almost empty because of this sh*t, that money came from my business which i sold for the purpose travellling abroad to change my direction, but its now almost gone… Back to my story… I bought a lot of it… I want to feel the effect and taste of this for the last time… I have until 11:59 this evening… I want to celebrate new year without it… So guys help me pray to my success of quitting….. Im afraid, i got no one to talk to… No one except me in our family doing what i was doing… I got no but trust in myself and my prayers …… Thanks!!! Happy new year everyone!!!
Amy Grayson
10 years ago
Keep praying I go a husband that is going through something similar, because of Meth
10 years ago
I am a recovering meth addict I used on and off for 20 years , I went through a 30 day rehab in 07 , got out , and after 3 months clean I relapsed , I thought for a short time that all the statistics were right , I would never get clean , but now it’s almost 6 years later and I have now been running a recovery house of my own here in ms , I’ve had over 500 men come through the Branch Of Hope , it has been an amazing ride to say the least , to all of you that are still on the grips of this crap I say to you , it can be overcame but I for one do not believe it can be done alone .
8 years ago
you’re works great man congratulations
10 years ago
i started using meth from 9th august 2014 and yesterday on 19th January 2015 i decided to quit it.
but my body and brain not allowing me to do so.
I m shivering and my head is banging..
i m feeling so weak that i cant even stand.
please help me