Mar 24, 2016 | By Tim Powers
Holistic Therapy Spotlight: Reiki Therapy for Addiction
Addiction Treatment Recovery Relapse PreventionAnybody old enough to remember the TV show The Six Million Dollar Man?
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this blast from television’s past, here is a quick synopsis….
Ace test pilot Steve Austin is involved in a fiery crash, and parts of his damaged body are replaced by bionic components. As a result, he becomes a lean, mean ass-kicking machine against the forces of evil everywhere.
What does this have to do with recovery? Ok, it maybe a stretch, but let’s put on our creative thinking caps. For those of you who have some clean and sober time under your belt, flash back to when you were actively using…what state was your body, mind and spirit in? Pretty damn ugly and mangled, right?
When you have been flying high in addiction for years, the crash landing can be very painful. As you enter treatment to address your substance abuse issues, you are given the care and tools you need to rebuild yourself into You 2.0. Every addict faces many formidable challenges during the early days of their recovery–and of all the obstacles they can face, they have the most difficulty in dealing with stress.
There is no doubt that the wide and unpredictable mood swings that accompany early sobriety. As the body gradually rids itself of the toxins and pathogens that have built up over years of abuse, it can take some time for things to return to normal.
During this critical time in the recovery process, those who are newly sober can benefit greatly by practicing relaxation techniques and other forms of holistic treatment for addiction. One particular technique that may provide excellent benefits in one’s recovery is Reiki. In addition to fostering relaxation and calm, the utilization of Reiki therapy for addiction can also provide numerous health and spiritual benefits
What Exactly is Reiki?
So, you have never heard of Reiki? That’s ok, we will explain it.
For those who may not be familiar with the practice, Reiki therapy is a Japanese spiritual practice that had its origins in the early 20th century and is classified as a form of holistic medicine that is practiced in some form by people of many cultures worldwide. As stated in the introduction, Reiki therapy benefits the individual by promoting relaxation and encouraging the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
The underlying philosophy of Reiki is that our bodies are driven by an unseen vital life energy known as Ki (or qi). Ki flows through our body and this life force is what causes us to be alive. If our Ki is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress. Likewise, if our life energy is high, we are more capable of being happy, healthy and in total harmony. Reiki practitioners administer this technique through palm healing which the therapist seeks to transfer healing energy through their palms so that it help kickstart the flow of Ki.
There are two main types of Reiki that practitioners can utilize, which are Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. The main difference between the two is those who practice Western Reiki utilize a particular set of healing hand patterns for treatment of different conditions and are based on chakra systems which originate in Indian forms of healing. Traditional Japanese Reiki is based on a traditional Japanese energy system the focuses on the hara which is the vital spirit which resides just below the navel.
One of the greatest benefits of Reiki therapy for addiction is the fact that the techniques that practitioners utilize are very simple to learn and master, and anyone can utilize these techniques at any time. As with other forms of Eastern-based healing arts, Reiki practitioners pass on the techniques to those in therapy sessions so they can continue to utilize them when treatment is over. Reiki therapy for addiction can be an effective complementary tool in one’s long-term recovery plan.
So, What Happens During a Reiki Session?
For those who decide to incorporate Reiki therapy into their addiction treatment plan, they will find that Reiki sessions don’t require much in the way of preparation.
While the procedure may differ depending on the particular style used, the general elements of most Reiki sessions follow a particular flow. For starters, those who participate in Reiki sessions need to wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t constrict their movements in any way. Additionally, people should remove any jewelry, belts or other accessories before any Reiki session. Client usually start a session lying flat on their back and the practitioner will start focuses energies down the body starting at the client’s head.
The Reiki therapist will usually place their hands lightly on different parts of the body, or they place their palms close to the client’s skin. The therapist may focus their attention on a particular part of the body, and can do so for several minutes. Those who are undergoing Reiki therapy for drug addiction may experience strange sensations in their body which could indicate a flow of energy coursing through their body. In some instances, there are individuals who claim they feel like they are floating above their body.
Benefits of Reiki in Addiction Treatment
Reiki therapy for drug addiction can provide newly recovering people a variety of substantial benefits that can aid in their recovery. For starters, Reiki therapy for addiction may help minimize the pain and discomfort that is associated with the detox process. If done within the few first days of detox, Reiki therapy may help make withdrawal symptoms more tolerable to endure. Secondly, people are better able to deal with stress of recovery and life in a healthier manner.
Additionally, Reiki therapy for drug and alcohol addiction also helps those newly recovering deal with anger and resentments. These particular emotions are common triggers that can lead people back into active addiction. Reiki therapy also helps repair the physical and psychological damage that addiction causes and allows the individual to get back on a path towards a healthy lifestyle.
If you are looking for drug treatment, or if you are searching for quality drug treatment for a friend or loved one, a facility that offers Reiki therapy or other forms of holistic healing therapy are definitely worth checking out.
9 years ago
This is amazing news! I have just been getting dawn to Reiki and now to here it helps people in recovery!! I am 33 years sobers and so excited about this news, thank you so much for sharing!
Deborah may 15, 1983