Jul 20, 2015 | By Tim Powers
The Herren Project: Providing Positive Impact on the Lives of Addicts Everywhere
Addiction & Recovery NewsImage courtesy of www.theherrenproject.com
When you cruise through the Sober Nation website, you will see that we strive to be the leading resource of addiction and treatment resources available anywhere. From insightful recovery blogs and informational articles to a comprehensive drug rehab directory, Sober Nation is your go-to source that you can turn to and trust.
We at Sober Nation also like to shine the spotlight on those organizations that are doing wonderful things in the recovery community. We realize that as a nation that is built on overcoming addiction and sharing our stories of recovery, we want to show some love for those who work to strengthen the recovery community and shatter the stigma that surrounds addiction.
In the coming weeks, we will devote column space to those organizations who are kicking much ass in bringing the message of recovery is possible to the masses. In this blog, the spotlight shines on one such organization called The Herren Project (THP).
What is The Herren Project?
Formed in 2011, The Herren Project is an organization that has three main objectives. First, they strive to positively impact the lives of those struggling with addiction by providing effective treatment navigation.
Secondly, they focus on educating young people and those who are in at-risk populations on the importance on living a healthy lifestyle and finding healthy ways to deal with the everyday stresses and triggers that surround them.
Lastly, THP provides scholarships to programs, clinics and camps to help boost self confidence, spark one’s motivation to stay in recovery and develop a firm foundation on which to build success.
This non-profit organization seeks to provide those taking their first steps towards sobriety the education programs, resources and encouragement they need to build the foundations for a new and happier life in recovery.
Who is Chris Herren?
The Herren Project was founded by former NBA player Chris Herren. He was the subject of an excellent ESPN “30 for 30” documentary Unguarded. A native of Fall River, Massachusetts, Herren was a standout high school player and was named both the Massachusetts Player of the Year and a McDonald’s All-American.
Heavily recruited by major programs, Herren decided to attend Boston College and was prominently featured in national publications such as Rolling Stone and Sports Illustrated. However, he was expelled from the team and the university after only a few months after failing numerous drug tests. Herren then enrolled at Fresno State, and while having a solid career at the school, he also was suspended for drug use.
Despite his troubles, Herren was drafted in the second round by the Denver Nuggets in 1999 and went on to play for both the Nuggets and Boston Celtics before moving overseas to play for professional teams in countries such as Turkey, Poland and China. Like his college career, chronic drug use marred his professional career.
At one point, Herren was spending about $20,000 monthly on Oxycontin, heroin and other narcotics. He hit rock bottom in June 2008 after overdosing on heroin. With no health insurance and financial resources depleted by his addiction, his friends had chipped in financially and provided the moral support he needed in order to enter sober living.
Clean since August 1, 2008, Chris Herren has refocused his life to put his sobriety and family above all else. In addition to meetings, Herren often speaks before various groups in order to share his experiences in addiction and recovery. In response to the thousands of people who reached out to Chris asking for help, The Herren Foundation was formed.
How The Herren Project Helps Those Who Seek Recovery
For those who are struggling with drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, THP provides a variety of services that can help those addicted find the help they need. The Herren Project works with families in arranging quality treatment options and helps families navigate through the process of finding treatment and securing funds to attend treatment.
THP also provides educational programs that are designed to educate and inform young people on the dangers of drugs and alcohol and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. This is achieved through the Impact Speaker Series and well as The Project Purple Initiative.
Launched in 2012, this initiative was launched to help break the stigma of addiction, bring awareness to the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and help shed light on those treatment practices which are effective in helping addicts break the cycle of substance abuse.
The Project Purple Initiative encourages people of all ages to “Go Purple” and stand up to substance abuse and helps create awareness through education and raising funds which helps provide effective treatment solutions to all people with substance abuse issues.
THP also provides scholarships to high risk populations who have been affected by addiction or may have a loved one struggling with addiction through the use of basketball camps. Additionally, The Herren Project offers opportunities to get involved through various community involvment projects and fundraising opportunities.
Making a Difference
The Herren Project is an example of a grassroots organization that is doing its’ part to help strengthen the recovery community and help those most at at risk stand tall against substance use, abuse and addiction. If you are interested in what they offer, check out their website, on Twitter and on Pinterest.
As always, you can count on Sober Nation to keep you updated, informed, in tune and empowered with the resources you need to win your battle with substance abuse.